Contracts and tenders


Procedure for awarding contracts

Every municipal organization must adopt a by-law on contract management, according to article 938.1.2 of the Quebec Municipal Code.
The Township of Havelock adopted By-law no.320 Contract management   Octobre 4th 2021.
In addition, on April 3, 2023, By-law No. 320-1 amending By-law No. 320 on Contract Management was enacted.
 In general, the procedures vary for:
  • a call for public tenders, for all contracts that involve an expenditure equal to or above the threshold for public calls for tender;
  • a call for invitational tenders, for all contracts that involve an expenditure of $50,001 or more but less than the threshold for public calls for tender;
  • awarding a contract that involves an expenditure of $50,000 or less by mutual agreement.
Municipal contracts are awarded by resolution of the Town Council or by managers holding a delegation of power to that effect under  By-law no. 269 décrétant les règles de contrôle et de suivi budgétaires 
Public call for tenders launched by the Town of Kirkland are published on the Quebec Government public tendering system SEAO, accessible by clicking here :


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